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Client Project: 4 Month Duration

Meetings are becoming both harmful to productivity and a necessary tool for collaboration in today's fast-paced work environment. It is essential to find a way to improve productivity through virtual meetings, as the average employee spends over 31 hours a month on ineffective meetings.

Convoke aims to tackle common pain points faced by businesses, such as ineffective meeting setups, inadequate decision-making, and insufficient performance reviews.​

Convoke utilizes collaboration tools and AI-driven scheduling algorithms to ensure meetings are scheduled only when absolutely essential, reducing unnecessary or ineffective meetings. Convoke assists team members to maximize time and resources by promoting a culture of preparation through personalized agendas, reminders, and collaborative pre-meeting workspaces.

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Project Goal

The primary goal of this project is to create mid-fidelity prototypes that seamlessly integrate Convoke with major video conference platforms such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and WebEx, ultimately making virtual meetings more effective.

User Groups

Professionals and employees within organizations who regularly participate in meetings. This group encompasses individuals from various departments and roles, including but not limited to:

Managers and Team Leaders

Those responsible for organizing and leading team meetings, making decisions, and ensuring productivity within their teams.

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Employees and Team Members

People who actively participate in meetings, contribute to discussions, and collaborate with colleagues to achieve team goals.

Human Resources Personnel

HR professionals interested in tracking and analyzing meeting effectiveness, team performance, and employee engagement.

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Milestones and Activities


Understand the client's current design direction and user flow to seamlessly extend it to integrate with video conference platforms.

Secondary Research

 Gained an understanding of possible opportunities for integration with relevant API’s. This allowed us to gain background knowledge of the problem space and think about how Convoke would integrate with video conferencing platforms. 

 Made use cases and scenarios to define the functional requirements, user pain points, and goals.

Persona Development


Gain insights into the role of artificial intelligence (AI) within video conference platforms, leveraging this understanding to optimize the integration of Convoke with key platforms.

Secondary Research
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Understand the AI features and functionalities currently being used in video conference platforms. 

Competitive Analysis
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Identify current platforms assisting in meeting organization & setup and the platforms strengths, weaknesses, features, and UI Flow. 

Annotated Portfolio 
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Contained existing AI products that are relevant or informed decisions made towards our solution. 


Create comprehensive journey maps and establish user flows to guide the development of a mid-fidelity prototype.  

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Journey Maps

Explore the goals, actions, and feelings though out the meeting prep and in-meeting journey

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User Interviews

Identify pain points and challenges in virtual meetings, and understanding user needs and goals

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Based off of our data collection and analysis ideate on various features and structures that could be included Convoke, and concept tested with users.

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Low Fidelity Prototyping

Iterated and combined ideas from sketching and concept testing to create one solution. We then concept tested our prototype with various users.


Design a mid-fidelity prototype that optimizes productivity before, during, and after important meetings for our user group

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Mid-Fidelity Prototype

After multiple iterations and rounds of feedback we created a mid-fidelity prototype

Usability Testing

Tested with users to determine the effectiveness of our prototype and gather additional feedback

Final Prototype

The primary goal of this project is to create mid-fidelity prototypes that seamlessly integrate Convoke with major video conference platforms such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and WebEx, ultimately making virtual meetings more effective.

From our previous research and feedback the team made final iterations. The screens below show Convoke's in-meeting flow. Convoke integrates with video conferencing platforms as a sidebar, saving and displaying data in the main Convoke platform.

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This page is home to the team talking points, personal talking points, and team's action items.

From interviews, we found most meetings go over time due to interruptions and off-topic discussions, so Convoke allows attendees to leave comments on the agenda items. This helps keep discussions on track. Team members can also edit the agenda in real-time, which encourages collaboration.

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In the notes section you can keep track of personal and team notes during the meeting. 


Interviews and secondary research highlighted the importance of attendees logging and tracking notes during meetings. Concept testing and sponsor feedback revealed that having both community and personal notes was considered useful.

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Decision Tracker

In our decision tracker, decisions are centralized so the  user can see past decisions that have been either completed, in-progress, or needed.


Based on feedback from other individuals in our research, we implemented a voting-like system for making decisions. This tool can be used by a manager to understand where their team stands on a decision. 


If confused or for further discussion members can leave a comment. This also helps later on when people need to refer back to a decision and understand the thought process of why it was made.

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From our research we found that many target users have multiple meetings throughout the day, and can easily become distracted.  We created a feature utilizing AI to highlight important points, that could also be added to notes, action items, or the agenda.  

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This was my first client project, and it provided invaluable lessons in client communication and collaboration to achieve a result that everyone is proud of. Through our research, I learned the importance of identifying patterns in data, which led us to iterate on the prototype and conduct user testing. Each round of testing provided feedback for further improvements, showing me how initial designs often evolve significantly.

I am grateful for this experience, as it allowed me to work closely with my peers, learn from them, and better understand the non-linear nature of the design process.

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